Trading Doubloons

Trading doubloons is simple. When you click on a pirate, they have an option right under "Add to Group" that says "Trade." Like in Wizard101, you do need to be near the person to make a trade (usually that means in the same zone). Unlike in Wizard101, you do not need to be friends with the person.
Right now, all doubloons are tradeable, including the rare Grizzly Beast Pack doubloons and doubloons you can purchase from the Black Market. This means that if you can find it, you can trade it! Take advantage of this option to move extra doubloons to side characters or other players.
Doubloons that are greyed out cannot be added to the trade. This occurs when the other player already has the maximum number of those doubloons (20).
When two players agree to trade, the trading screen will show what you're offering on the left, and what you'll get from the other player on the right. You select your doubloons from the top bar to give to the other player.
After both players hit the blue Accept button, either player can hit the green Accept button to complete the trade and close the trading window. If you or the other player, at any point, close out of the trading window, the trade will be cancelled.